Predicting clinical progression in multiple sclerosis: The role of advanced MRI and modelling

Predicting clinical progression in multiple sclerosis: The role of advanced MRI and modelling

MAGNIMS Workshop

Van Der Valk Hotel Zuidas

May 24th 2024

Predicting clinical progression in multiple sclerosis: The role of advanced MRI and modelling

08.30 – 08.40: Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop
Frederik Barkhof & Menno Schoonheim

Session 1: Defining clinical progression and predicting it with conventional MRI
Chairs: Eva Strijbis (Amsterdam); Jaume Sastre-Garriga (Barcelona)
• 08.40-08.55 – Definitions of progression: Physical disability
Carmen Tur (Barcelona)

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• 08.55-09.10: Definitions of progression: Cognition and other non-motor outcomes
Tom Fuchs (Amsterdam)

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• 09.10-09.30: Conventional MRI: Lesions and atrophy (brain and spinal cord)
Rosa Cortese (Siena)

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• 09.30-10.00: Round table and discussion. What are the major clinical and imaging gaps in predicting progression at the moment?
Chairs, speakers, Ludwig Kappos (Basel) and Claudio Gasperini (Rome)
10.00-10.20 Coffee break

Session 2: Old dog, new tricks: getting the most out of conventional MRI
Chairs: Gabriele De Luca (Oxford); Olga Ciccarelli (London)
•10:20-10:35: Quantification of neurodegeneration on heterogeneous clinical scans
Ferran Prados (London)

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• 10.35-10.55: Compensating for damage: Different forms of reserve and brain age
Giuseppe Pontillo (Amsterdam)

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• 10.55-11.15: Big data and artificial intelligence to predict progression with conventional MRI
Arman Eshaghi (London)

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• 11:15-11.45: Round table and discussion. Can we really gain “new” information from “old” scans?
Chairs, speakers, Nicola De Stefano (Siena) and Menno Schoonheim (Amsterdam)

11.45-12.00 Coffee break 2

Session 3: Advanced MRI sequences and analyses
Chairs: Mara Rocca (Milan); Christian Enzinger (Graz)
•12.00-12.20: Imaging tissue microstructure to predict progression
Cristina Granziera (Basel)

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•12.20-12:40: Structural connectivity and networks
Sara Llufriu (Barcelona)

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•12.40-13.00: Functional activity, connectivity and networks
Menno Schoonheim (Amsterdam)

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•13.00-13.25: Round table and discussion. Which pathological constructs are we currently missing?
Chairs, speakers, Massimo Filippi (Milan) and Frederik Barkhof (Amsterdam)